by Elvia Picco
How much do you know about your Italian heritage and culture? In my case, my parents emigrated from northern Italy to Canada in 1955. I was born in Canada and met my maternal and paternal grandmothers only once when they visited us in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Apart from that, I know little about my grandparents and their lives in Italy. My interest in wanting to learn more about my family’s ancestry is the reason why I took an eight-week online genealogy course through the Kelowna Canadian Italian Club. The course has given me the inspiration, knowledge and tools to be able to research a host of websites and databases containing historical records about family members. As the month of June is Italian Heritage Month in Canada, I am excited to continue this journey to use these resources to build a family tree and connect with my past. It is also a time to recognize and acknowledge the rich culture and heritage of Italian Canadians and their ongoing contributions to building a stronger, vibrant and more inclusive Canada. To commemorate your Italian heritage, take this time to learn and research the long history and achievements of Italian Canadians. Here is one program called The Italian Culture Trunks at the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 you can start to explore online. The Italian Culture Trunks Link: Learn more about: • History • Stories • Artifacts • Photographs • Italian Culture and Traditions • Quotes • Statistics • Recommended Resources
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As part of our Between Neighbours Presentation on Wednesday, June 2, looking at the impact of World War II on BC and Kelowna's Italian community, the Kelowna Canadian Italian Club will be hosting a special panel discussion talking about the internment of Canadian Italians, the impact, Trudeau's recent apology, the road to that apology and what the legacy will be moving forward. We are honoured and thrilled to be able to welcome these special guests for this very timely and important conversation:
Adriana A. Davies Noted Researcher and Author. Adriana Davies' latest book is From Sojourners to Citizens, Alberta’s Italian History (Full Bio Below) Trina Costantini-Powell President of National Congress Italian-Canadians, Capital Division. Her grandfather Giuseppe Costantini was interned at Petawawa (Full Bio Below) Ray Lenzi Ray's grandfather, Frederico Lenzi, was interned in Kananaskis Lynne Bowen Historian and Author of Whoever Gives Us Bread, the Story of Italians in British Columbia (Full Bio Below) Moderated by Rosann Nanci President of the Kelowna Canadian Italian Club Registration for the online presentation and panel discussion is through Eventbrite. It's free to all: Between Neighbours: Okanagan Italians during WWII 7:00 PM, Wednesday, June 2 On Zoom
Bios for Adriana Davies, Trina Costantini-Powell and Lynne Bowen shown below by clicking Read More
This is the full video of the official apology to Canadian Italians in the House of Commons on May 27, 2021 for their treatment during World War II. All parties were unanimous in supporting the apology and spoke. The clip is about 41 minutes long.
President Rosann Nanci responded on behalf of the Kelowna Canadian Italian Club: The Kelowna Canadian Italian Club would like to thank the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau for his heartfelt apology to the Italian Canadian population. Past wrongs are difficult to correct especially after so much time has passed. The original men who were detained have all passed away, leaving their families to cope with the remaining ramifications of these actions. This apology also brings to light the shame felt by the entire Italo-Canadese population which were felt not only by the people of the time, but for subsequent generations who had difficulty holding their heads high. So many instances of verbal abuse, acts of violence, stereotypes, caricatures, and downright ethnic racism were experienced by the general Italian Canadian population, that it is difficult for many to put into mere words the shame and anger they felt. Italian Canadians are a proud people who contributed to the growth and security of this county and it is felt that this apology begins the journey back to a place where we can be proud of our accomplishments and continue to offer our contributions to our country. For the local side of this story, join us for our Zoom presentation - Between Neighbours - on June 2. Register here. Received May 26 from the Italian Consulate
ITA (Italian Trade Agency) and MIB Trieste School of Management (Trieste, Italy) promote and organize Origini Italia Program 2021, an intensive Export Management and Entrepreneurial Development Course, aimed at the descendants of emigrants from Italy who are residents abroad, in particular in extra European countries. The main objective of the Course is to promote a new and productive collaboration between those descendants and the Italian business system (please see the Origini Italia website – - for more information). The Course will last from November 22, 2021 to April 9, 2022. Classes will be held in English at MIB Trieste School of Management (Palazzo del Ferdinandeo, Largo Caduti di Nasiryia 1, Trieste, Italy) and at ITA (Italian Trade Agency, Via Liszt 24, Rome, Italy). The course has a maximum of 20 places available. The attendance to the Origini Italia Program is free of charge. MIB Trieste School of Management guarantees successful applicants travel expenses (a return flight from their country of residence to Trieste) and accommodation expenses for the duration of the course (December Holidays included). Both during classroom lessons and the internship participants will also be guaranteed lunch on the premises. * The start date may be subject to slight change in consideration of the current COVID-19 emergency situation and possible formal ratification from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. Requirements The candidates have to meet the following requirements:
Applications To apply to the Origini Italia Program, candidates have to fill in and submit the Online Application Form by May 31, 2021 (forms are available at In the case of a first positive evaluation of the Application, applicants will receive a formal communication by the School and will be called to schedule the selection interview. The final results of the Admission Process and the list of the enrolled Candidates will be notified by July 2021. Get off the beaten path & find an authentic way of appreciating Italy! Patrizia Pietroniro will guide you through her beloved region.
Join us for 4 Evenings in English via ZOOM: MAY 27, 2021 JUNE 10, 24 & 29, 2021 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm PDT RSVP Learn More Admission: FREE for Dante Society's members - Lump-sum of $10/4 episodes for non-members Become a member! Annual membership: $30.00 – See membership benefits here To register and receive the Zoom link: RSVP here or send an email to [email protected] To make your e-transfer email to: [email protected] Patrizia Pietroniro's Bio THE 4-EVENING PROGRAM1. THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2021 Explore Friuli’s complex history through its UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the ancient Roman city of Aquileia & early Christian art, Cividale & the Longobards, the Renaissance star city of Palmanova. You will be enthralled by intriguing medieval castles & villages, celebrated Venetian art & 18th century architecture. 2. THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 2021 From the Alps to the high Adriatic Sea, enjoy tourist routes through amazing landscapes, the Friulan culture & language, hybrid cuisine, San Daniele Prosciutto, the mosaic school of Spilimbergo with its well-known artworks, and the strong bond between Canada & Friuli: 1976 earthquake, emigration, the Fogolârs Federation of Canada. 3. THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 2021 In the Alpine foothills & among some of the best white wine-producing estates in Italy, discover the city of Gorizia, the 2025 European Capital of Culture at the crossroads of the Italian, Slavic, and Germanic cultures, and with its massiveWorld War I memorials & itineraries. And much more...! 4. TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 2021 Mixing Italian, Austro-Hungarian & Slovenian influences, Trieste preserves its unique border-town culture. Once the great seaport of the Habsburg Empire, its waterfront, neoclassical architecture & mix of religions, languages & cuisines preserve the real magic of this place. Do not forget its top attractions: Miramare Castle, Grotta Gigante (the world’s largest tourist cave), Barcolana (the world’s largest sailing regatta), the ancient Roman amphitheater & historical cafés, gathering places for intellectuals such as Italo Svevo, James Joyce, Umberto Saba & Claudio Magris. |
February 2025