April 29 to May 9, 2021
The Istituto Italiano di Cultura Toronto is pleased to co-present the Italian line-up at the 2021 online edition of Toronto's Hot Docs Festival. THE ROSSELLINIS Online Film Screening and Q&A Revered as one of the greatest filmmakers of the 20th century, Roberto Rossellini left an indelible mark on cinema and an enormous inheritance of family conflict. The Rossellinis is a compelling look inside a complicated cinema dynasty forced into group therapy by one of their own. With never-before-seen archival footage and an absorbing conversation with his famed aunt, actress Isabella Rossellini, this family drama offers an abundance of compelling insights into their relationships, revealing old secrets and tragic moments in their lives. Available April 29 - May 9, 2021 click here to purchase tickets BLOOM UP - A SWINGER COUPLE STORY Online Film Screening and Q&A Hermes and Betta are a middle-aged Italian couple who run the neighbourhood pet store by day, but by night arrange extravagant sexual encounters with multiple partners. As swingers, this loving and deeply entwined couple allows one another to freely explore their desires and sexual cravings with trust and respect. With uncanny beauty in the camerawork, the director and cinematographer Mauro Russo Rouge's lens leaves nothing to the imagination. Up close and personal, we plunge into the back rooms of clubs, the intimacy of homes and the wide-open spaces of the night skies, bearing witness to the couple's carnal pursuits. But even the deepest relationships and strongest connections are at times tested. Will their hunger for the taste of others ultimately drive a wedge between them? Available April 29 - May 9, 2021 click here to purchase tickets MOLECULES Online Film Screening In February 2020, filmmaker Andrea Segre was in Venice when a still-mysterious virus froze the city before his eyes. Piazza San Marco emptied, the logger-jammed Grand Canal went still, and spaces filled instead with a strange, hollow quiet. Lockdown had given the town back to nature and returned something unexpected to Segre as well—memories of his late father, Ulderico. Raised in Venice, he was as reserved in his career as a molecular physicist as he was with his children. Using old Super 8 family films and an unanswered letter he wrote to his father decades earlier, Segre's captivating investigation into his father's silences and absences beautifully dissolve into the emptiness of Venice itself. Through this arrested landscape stripped down to its natural frailties and lack of solidity, Segre unearths the roots of his father's and his own unease. Capturing an extraordinary experience for a city and for a son, Molecules makes real those things one can't see but knows exist. Available April 29 - May 9, 2021 click here to purchase tickets WE ARE THE THOUSAND Online Film Screening and Q&A The spirit and culture of rock 'n' roll can always be traced back to the fans. For a group of Italian friends, their passion for this genre of music sparked a novel idea: they put a call out to gather a thousand musicians to play music together, in hopes of coaxing the iconic band Foo Fighters to come to perform a concert in their small town. One of the most curious and ambitious "band wanted" signs ever turns out to be a bigger success than its organizers dreamed. The Rockin' 1000 group's collective rendition of "Learn to Fly" goes massively viral, catching the eye of Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl himself. What started out as a shot in the dark ends up creating literally the largest rock band in the world, showcasing just how much music can unite and bring joy to all those who are willing to listen. Available April 29 - May 9, 2021 click here to purchase tickets
Extended to December 15, 2021
The Italian Cultural Institute Toronto is pleased to support the participation of Montreal-born Italian artist Cindi Emond at the 2021 edition of the Scotiabank Contact Photography Festival. The virtual photography exhibit For All The “I Love You’s”, We Forgot To Say, is also sponsored by the Canadian Embassy in Rome. Shot in Abruzzo, Italy in the abandoned village of Frattura Vecchia devastated by an earthquake in 1915, this series documents how the histories of migration to escape the poverty and hardships of central and southern Italian towns are deeply felt to this day. Focusing on the resilience of remote rural communities facing harsh conditions, adversity and the complexity of their relationship with the land, the series examines Italian heritage, the persistence of cultural traditions and national identity. CLICK HERE TO GO TO CONTACT FESTIVAL CLICK HERE TO GO TO VIRTUAL EXHIBITION A talk by Dr. Luciano Canova
(Enrico Mattei Master School) FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2021 Online Event in English via Zoom at noon 12:00 pm PST RSVP Learn More Behind Galileo’s famous beard & gruff eyes lies the story of a man with all his flaws & weaknesses. Yet a man who, more than any of his contemporaries, set the tone for a modern way of doing science. Join Italian economist Luciano Canova to discover Galileo’s extraordinary life & the way he taught us to debunk fake news using “hard-boiled eggs”. Admission: FREE for Dante Society's members - $5 fee for non-members Become a member! Annual membership: $30.00 – See membership benefits here To register and receive the Zoom link: RSVP here To make your donation via e-transfer email to: [email protected] A talk by Dr. Arthur Molella (Smithsonian Institution)
THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 2021 Online Event in English via Zoom at 5:00 pm PST RSVP LEARN MORE An Italian company renowned for the exquisite design of its office machines, Olivetti invented the world’s first desktop computer in 1965, well ahead of major computer companies. The revolutionary little machine, called Programma 101 (now in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art) was the seed of a process that eventually disrupted the whole mainframe computer business. It was more than a machine, however; it was the product of a sweeping utopian project of company president Adriano Olivetti, who aimed to transform the relationship between technology, art, society & the human spirit. This lecture explores the associations between his ideology, his reinvention of the Olivetti company town of Ivrea in northern Italy & Programma 101. Admission: FREE for Dante Society's members - $5 fee for non-members Become a member! Annual membership: $30.00 – See membership benefits here. To register and receive the Zoom link: RSVP here. To make your donation via e-transfer email to: [email protected] FEBRUARY 12 TO MARCH 11 |
A Talk by Sociologist Francesco Morace
Online via Zoom
In this webinar Italian sociologist Francesco Morace will identify and present values and behaviours that, taken together, constitute the Italian Factor. Especially in this Covid phase of radical change, these elements might prove to be consistent with the new paradigms of the future: Unique & Universal, Crucial & Sustainable, Trust & Sharing, Quick & Deep.
This webinar is presented by the Dante Alighieri Society of BC.
Italian sociologist and writer Francesco Morace is the founder of Future Concept Lab and a consultant for Italian and international companies and institutions. Among the most established trend experts, he was professor of Social Innovation at the Politecnico di Milano and of Culture & Lifestyle at the Università di Trento.
He is the director of the Festival della Crescita, an itinerant event that each year brings together citizens and institutions, companies and creatives, students and professionals.
He is the author of over 20 books, including Il bello del mondo (Egea, 2019) and La rinascita dell’Italia (Egea, 2020).
Free admission (donations welcome).
To register click here .
Directed by Luca Della Grotta, Francesco Dafano . Animation - Italy, 2020, 88 '
Even waste has a soul, even waste deserves a second life
Even trash has a soul and deserves a second chance. A better life.
The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Istituto Italiano di Cultura Toronto present the children's animated adventure feature and its accompanying virtual exhibition, Trash.
Monday, February 15 | 11:00PM PST
Family Day
The Movie
Boxes, bottles, cans. Garbage. Abandoned everywhere: on the streets, under bridges. Ignored by everyone. Motionless. Until nightfall…Slim is an old cardboard box. He lives in a marketplace with his friend Bubbles - a soda pop bottle - and other friends. Resigned to his fate, he doesn’t believe in the legend of the Magic Pyramid: a magical place where it’s possible for all garbage to have a second chance, to be once again "carriers", useful to themselves and others. His life changes when a small box, Spark, interrupts his routine. Spark is lost and he is different from everyone else. Spark involves Slim and his pal Bubbles in an adventure that will take them a place that will introduce them to the magical night world of waste. But someone is looking for Spark. An old and very powerful unused PC named Kudo, Lord of the Landfill. When Spark is captured, Slim will try to save his friend, making a choice that will give new meaning to his life.
Note: The film will be available for 24hrs, until 2:00PM EST, Tuesday, February 16
BIG NORTH (Il Grande Nord)
Italy, 2020, 80 mins.
This documentary directed by Dario Acocella revolves around 40-year-old Italian award-winning author Paolo Cognetti (Premio Strega 2017 for The Eight Mountains), who embarks on a journey in the footsteps of those writers who helped influence and inspire his career as a storyteller. Amongst his beloved masters are Jack London, Ernest Hemingway, Henry David Thoreau, Raymond Carver, and Alice Munro. Paolo’s trip takes him through British Columbia, the Yukon, and Alaska, where he explores the relationship between mankind and wilderness. He meets the people who are currently living in the woods and explores the origins and controversies of their choices.
Big North is a philosophical and visually stunning road-trip documentary that will let you explore this part of the world (a lot of it filmed in BC) with a fresh (and slightly Italian) perspective.
Info and tickets: https://2021.victoriafilmfestival.com/films/big-north/
KIDZ (Figli)
Italy, 2020, 97 min.
Voted the funniest Italian film of the year by the Syndicate of Italian Journalists, KIDZ is a sharp knockout comedy about the pressures of child-rearing in uncertain economic times. Sara (Paola Cortellesi) and Nicola (Valerio Mastandrea) are married and in love. Their lives seem to be perfect: they have an angelic six-year-old daughter, thriving careers and a stable marriage. The balance in their lives is disrupted, however, by the arrival of their second child. Sleepless nights, selfish grandparents, friends that are about to have a nervous breakdown and questionable babysitters all combine to transform the couple’s life into a living hell.
Directed by Giuseppe Bonito, KIDS is a playful and uproarious comedy that constantly pulls the rug out from under you.
Info and tickets: https://2021.victoriafilmfestival.com/films/kidz/
The 2021 Victoria Film Festival is taking place between February 5th & 14th. It is a virtual festival, there will be no in-person events.
The 2021 VFF Online is only available for residents in British Columbia.
This event is presented by the Victoria Film Festival in collaboration with the Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Toronto.
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