We were asked by the Italian Consulate to distribute this to our members. If you could answer the questions below and send to the Consulate at [email protected] it would be great appreciated. We include an English version below.
All'attenzione delle organizzazioni rappresentative delle locali comunità italiane. Al fine di predisporre la consueta relazione sul servizio fornito da Rai Italia nel periodo maggio 2020/aprile 2021, si sarà grati se potranno essere forniti gli elementi informativi per poter redigere una nota in merito alla qualità, diffusione, ricezione del segnale, nonché' al gradimento dei programmi trasmessi, compilando il questionario in allegato entro il giorno 15 giugno 2021. Ringraziando per la vostra preziosa collaborazione, vi porgo cordiali saluti, Monitoraggio Rai Italia/Questionario
English (via Google Translate - so not perfect but you'll get the general idea) For the attention of the representative organizations of the local Italian communities. In order to prepare the usual report on the service provided by Rai Italia in the period May 2020 / April 2021, we will be grateful if the information elements can be provided to be able to draw up a note regarding the quality, broadcasting, reception of the signal, as well as satisfaction of the programs broadcast, by filling in the attached questionnaire by June 15, 2021. Thanking you for your valuable collaboration, I offer you cordial greetings, Rai Italia monitoring / questionnaire
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